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Limbo and Mnemosyne

Khan Mohammadi Shervin

Limbo, which comes from the Latin word meaning “border” or “edge”, was considered by medieval theologians to be a state or place reserved for the unbaptized dead, including good people who lived before the coming of Christ. Limbo is defined as a state where you uncertainly await something important, such as a decision about your existence and future. Stuck in limbo is to be unable to move from one position to another. Limbo is originally a theological term (Catholic) that was the holding place between heaven and hell where the soul resided until judgment.

In Greek mythology, Mnemosyne is the goddess of memory and the mother of the nine Muses. The term Mnemosyne is derived from the same source as the word mnemonic, that being the Greek word mnēmē, which means "remembrance, memory".
Stuck in limbo is to be unable to move from one position to another. Limbo is originally a theological term (Catholic) that was the holding place between heaven and hell where the soul resided until judgment.
Limbo is defined as a state where you uncertainly await something important, such as a decision about your existence and future.
Limbo, which comes from the Latin word meaning “border” or “edge”, was considered by medieval theologians to be a state or place reserved for the unbaptized dead, including good people who lived before the coming of Christ.
загружено 04 дек, 2023   Copyright by Khan Mohammadi Shervin




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