human interest, daily life, golden light, elderly man, rooster, Wan Mohd Fadzli

Ageless Bond: Elderly Man and His Beloved Rooster

Wan Mohd Fadzli

The photo shows an older man sitting on a wooden bench in a rural setting with a rooster perched on his lap. The rooster is a handsome bird with bright feathers, a proud comb, and sharp spurs.

The sunlight shines brightly on the scene, casting shadows on the ground and illuminating the details of the man's face and body. The man gently holds the rooster with two hands under its feathers. The rooster seems calm and content, enjoying the man's company and the peacefulness of the moment.

The photo captures the timeless relationship between humans and their animals and the simplicity and beauty of life in a rural community. The older man and his rooster exude a sense of calmness, joy, and companionship that can bring anyone a smile.
загружено 15 ноя, 2023   Copyright by Wan Mohd Fadzli




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