, Даниил Коржонов

Living root bridges of Meghalaya

Даниил Коржонов

This series is about the living root bridges in Meghalaya, India. Local Khasi people used to grow the bridges almost like bonsai trees. For decades khasi were forming a bridge which is actually alive and growing further. In person it feels like you are in some fantastic Alien movie, crossing the cradle of roots. One of the bridges, for instance, started to grow in 1840. For 180 years it became a true masterpiece. To get here we traveled pretty far to North east India, almost at the border with Bangladesh.
For the last three weeks I've been traveling in remote areas of India, starting with Ladakh, then Meghalaya, Nagaland and Bandhavgarh.
The main purpose was documenting beautiful nature of India and in particular project about Living Root bridges. locals were growing these bridge directing the roots of several trees on both sides of the river with bamboo sticks. It is Incredible interaction between humans and nature.
Imagine the bridge that is alive and blooming - that is why people call them Living Root. From inside the living root bridge looks straight from a H.R. Giger sketches - like a giant cocoon made by the "Aliens". Yet the place is very beautiful with cascading waterfalls and very friendly locals. But walking there is enchanting - you feel like being in a movie, scary and magical at the same time.
загружено 02 фев, 2023   Copyright by Даниил Коржонов




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