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(joãozero) João

joãozero is a registered brand of Portuguese João Carlos Fernandes that develops projects in the areas of photography and visual communication.
Project in constant development - The human beings seek and build objects and buildings of megalomaniac sizes and proportions. Preferably, in their daily life, they live surrounded by them. These objects and
constructions when compared to these human beings still diminish them more. They make them, reinforcing the tiny beings they are. It is this relationship of greatness, reinforced by the search for the greatness of the Human Being, that this project explores. Through the chopped and contrasted photographic plans and the reflections in the cars, I always shoot with wide-angle lenses, widening the difference between the human beings, who I isolate and capture in "special" moments and what surrounds them. With this set of "objects", techniques and technology, it is in large cities that I explore the project, applying the concept in a mix of travel photography, documentary photography and street photography
resulting in photography by joãozero ®.

загружено 07 окт, 2022   Copyright by (joãozero) João




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