, Бистра Стоименова

Perfect Strangers

Бистра Стоименова

A man sleeps on the steps of the Architectural school in Bucharest.
I have no idea if he was homeless (with headphones in his ears) or just a member of the film crew who worked nearby.

The story behind the shot:
Whoever knows me in real life knows I'm a very strange person. Honestly, I can be a real pain in the ass. I can stay in one place for a long time, or I can run back and forth.

Colleagues at the Bucharest conference found this out the hard way. I know, I can be annoying but people, but that's why I'm doing it.

In this case, I noticed the stairs during an evening walk (when I dragged my Bulgarian colleague across the city) and I thought it would be wonderful to have a person on them. The next day, when we were walinkg around town, I was very lucky. That guy was just lying there. I had to get past the camera crew and shoot the guy. You can imagine it's not easy to do street shots with a wide-angle lens.
загружено 05 сен, 2017   Copyright by Бистра Стоименова




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