“What is life, do you know? They are laughter, whispers, it is living a thousand illusions. And it is to feel alive, to live today without fear, without fear of tomorrow. It is to enjoy nature a thousand times, your friendship, enjoy yourself, and your love.”
¿Qué es la vida, lo sabes? Son risas, susurros, es vivir mil ilusiones. Y es sentirse vivo, vivir el hoy sin miedo, sin temor al mañana. Es gozar una y mil veces de la naturaleza, de tu amistad, gozar de ti, y de tu amor.
This text is an adapted fragment of the poem: “Renacer”. (Pedro J. Bernabeu, 2008)
Photo: eternal happiness.
Model: Kramen
Photographer: Michel Genève
Place: Llego. Caín. Picos de Europa. León. España.
Photo date: August 2023
загружено 01 фев, 2025 Copyright by genève michel
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