, Ali Pashang

Green tree python

Ali Pashang

Adult tree pythons have variations in colour and pattern. They are bright to emerald green above with the belly a cream to light yellow. They have a complete or broken series of white or yellow scales along the vertebral line. Spots of the same colour may be scattered over the body. The tail tip is a bluish colour.

They have a slender, laterally compressed body. The head is diamond shaped and the head scales are irregular, numerous and finely granular. The pupil is vertical. They have three thermosensory pits (on each side) in the upper lip that are located at the very front of the face (and facing forward). They then have another five in the lower lip that are located beneath the eye and facing more so outward (but are still slanted toward the front of the face).

Juveniles are bright lemon-yellow, gold, red or orange, often with a dark purplish-brown, white striped streak through the eye and a vertebral stripe of the same colour, with short bars of brown extending out from the vertical line. The change from the juvenile to the adult colour may be completed by one year old. Their size ranges from 1.2 - 2.2 metres.
загружено 04 сен, 2024   Copyright by Ali Pashang




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